Wednesday, 3 April 2019

We're Going On A Field Trip!!
Dear Parents/Guardians
On Wednesday, April 24th, our class will be walking to East York Gymnastics Club to participate in small group gymnastics classes with trained coaches! It will be a day full of fun and physical activity!
Your signature granting permission is needed, along with the $12.00 trip fee by Friday, April 12th 2019. Please return the signed permission form, and pay the fee online.
We will be leaving the school at 9:15 a.m. and returning at 1:30 p.m. Please ensure your child arrives at school on time so we can get ready to go as soon as possible! Pick-up time will be 3:15 p.m., as usual.

Packing and dressing for the day
-          A packed litterless, nut-free lunch and snack is required. Please ensure that your child eats a good breakfast before arriving at school. We will be eating lunch at the gym once we have finished our class. If your child participates in the school snack program, we will serve it to them in the afternoon when we’ve returned.
-          Please ensure your child has a backpack appropriate for carrying their belongings for the day.
-          In order to participate in the class, your child must wear clothing that they can move around, jump, and play in – ex: sweat pants, leggings, or shorts and a t-shirt – and girls who have long hair must have it tied back. At the gym they will be playing in bare feet so there is no need to worry about having indoor shoes.
-          We will go to the club rain or shine so please dress your child appropriately to walk there  – please be aware that each student is responsible for carrying his/her own belongings.
     Thank you!
 Ms. Sharman and Ms. Bennett

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