Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Academic Readiness Goals to Work On

Fine Motor Skills
Ø  Puzzles
Ø  Buttons and Zippers
Ø  Writing name and other letters
Ø  Visual matching activities (match shapes, letters, numbers)
Ø  Identifying and copying basic shapes (horizontal and vertical lines, circles, squares, triangles)

Ø  Vocabulary development both receptive and expressive
Ø  Learn colour names
Ø  Learn the name of various body parts (“point to your _____”)
Ø  Spatial terms (e.g. in, on, under, between, over, in front of etc.)
Ø  Encourage and model how to ask questions (what, when, where, why, how, who)
Ø  Listening to a simple story
Ø  Retelling a simple story (with a beginning, middle and end)
Ø  Simple sentences (expand on words said, if the child says “flower” say “Yes, that is a pretty yellow flower.”)

Number Concepts
Ø  Count by ones from 1-10, 10-20 etc.
Ø  Understand common descriptive terms (big, bigger, small, smaller, little, most, a few)
Ø  Concept of ‘half’

Ø  One-to-one correspondence

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