Monday, 28 January 2019


Library will now be on Tuesday until the Family Day Weekend. Please continue to read your child's library book with them and return the book for our next library visit.

Happy Reading!!

Thursday, 24 January 2019

Dear Parents/Guardians
On Thursday February 14th, we will be going to Lego Land Discovery Centre for a day full of hands on STEM activities.
Please fill out the permission form (that will be sent home today) and return the form by February 8th.  The only form of payment will be on-line. Please make your on-line payment by February 8th.
Volunteers will be needed to supervise groups of children. If you would like to volunteer, please complete the relevant section of the permission form.

We will be leaving the school at 9:00 a.m. Please ensure your child arrives on time so we can get ready to go as soon as possible! Pick-up time will be 3:15 p.m., as usual.

- A packed litterless, nut-free lunch and snack is required. Please ensure that your child eats a good breakfast before arriving at school.

- Please ensure your child has a backpack appropriate for carrying their belongings for the day
- We will go to Lego land rain or shine so dress your child appropriately

Thank youMerci    The Kindergarten Team


Monday, 14 January 2019

Book A Day Program

Today your Junior Kindergarten child was sent home with a book bag. We will be sending their book bag home daily so that your child will have the opportunity to practice their reading skills every evening. Please listen to them read, offering guidance and assistance when necessary. Remember to be patient and encouraging.

Your child will begin our reading program with an alphabet book, please have him or her name the letter and tell you what sound that letter makes. Let your child read the words, pointing to each word as they read. Please date and sign the reading log and make sure your child returns both the book and reading log to school the next day in order to receive a new book.

Once your child is able to recognize all the letters and sounds, then your child will move on to levelled readers. Once your child begins reading a levelled reader, please discuss the story together. The discussion should include; their favourite part of the story, what happened in the story and what letters or words they recognize. This will reinforce what they have read and improve comprehension skills.

The more your child reads, the more confident they will become while developing a life-long love of reading.

Thank you for your cooperation in our program.
Ms. Sharman and Ms. Bennett 
Dear K2 Families,
Happy 2019!!
Just a Reminder:

With the winter months here, we would like to remind all of you that your children should come to school dressed appropriately for the weather. Please help them practice to dress and undress themselves at home. Being able to undress and dress themselves, will help to build your child's sense of independence and confidence.

Book a Day program (SK's) - your child will continue to bring home a different book each day. Please read with your child!

Book a Day program (JK's) - your child will begin our book program today (Jan14th). Details will follow in the next post. 

  Thank you for your support