Thursday, 29 June 2017

Dear Parents,
We give you back your child, the same child that you entrusted in our care last fall. 
We give you your child back a little older, a wee bit taller and a whole lot smarter!
 It has been our PLEASURE and PRIVILEGE to watch their character, personality, and intellect develop day by day as we learned new things together.

Thanks for sharing your amazing child with us!!

Our Last Day Together....
enjoying some yummy cupcakes!!


Happy 150th Canada!! 


 Wishing you ALL a happy, safe summer, filled with many adventures!
Lots of LOVE,
Ms. Sharman and Ms. Bennett

Friday, 23 June 2017

The Life Cycle of a Butterfly......





Thursday, 22 June 2017

We had a fun morning at Edge park!!


Thank you to baby Isabella and Gabby's mom for joining us!!
The freezies were so yummy...thanks!!

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Book A Day Program and Library

We are collecting all book bags this week.
We still have five children that haven't returned their book bag yet, please have your child return the book and bag, as soon as possible.
Thank you very much for your cooperation in our 'Book a Day' program.
We strongly encourage you to continue to read with your child over the summer. Please listen to them read, offering guidance and assistance when necessary. Remember to be patient and encouraging. When your child has finished reading, discuss the story together. This will reinforce what they have read and improve comprehension skills.
The more your child reads, the more confident they will become while developing a life-long love of reading.
All library books are due back to school by the end of this week. There will be no more book exchange for the remainder of the year.
We encourage you to visit the public library over the summer to enjoy some great books with your child!! 

Tuesday, 13 June 2017


Dear Parents,

Please join us for our End of the Year Senior Kindergarten celebration on Tuesday, June 27th from 10:30 am to 11:00 am. The celebration will take place in our Kindergarten outdoor area. The children will be singing songs, eating treats and simply enjoying each others' company, we will be presenting each Senior Kindergarten student with a certificate of graduation.

If you would like, please feel free to send nut-free treats of your choice as part of our celebration.

We hope to see all of our Senior Kindergarten parents on June 27th!!

Monday, 12 June 2017

The Hot Weather Has Arrived!!

The hot weather has finally arrived!! Please dress your child appropriately. We will continue to spend time outside, we suggest applying sunscreen before your child comes to school and please make sure they bring a water bottle and wear a hat.

Thursday, 8 June 2017

We had a short but fun week in K2!


 We had our Grade 7 friends come in to read us a book!!

And we ended the week with an extra special treat.....SNOW CONES!!!!



A  great BIG thank you to Jennifer and Mike (Matthew's mom and dad) for making the snow cones and spending some outdoor time with us!!  

  We miss you Brianna, we hope you're having a great time at your new school!!

Have a great weekend!!