Friday, 31 March 2017

Even though it was raining ALL DAY LONG ....our imagination took us to the BEACH!!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

We're Going On A Field Trip!!
On Monday, April 24th, our class will be going to East York Gymnastics Club to participate in a  gymnastic class with trained coaches! It will be a morning full of fun and physical activity!
The permission form was sent home in your child's backpack today. Your signature granting permission is needed, along with the $11.00 trip fee by Friday, April 7th.

Thursday, 30 March 2017

Just a reminder that tomorrow is Beach Day.
Here is the post from Clairlea's main blog site:

Friday, 10 March 2017

We had another week full of LEARNING and FUN!!

On Wednesday, our wonderful lunchroom supervisor, Ms. Sayeda, told us that the children wanted to make kites because it was very windy outside. She then began making kites with the children and at the children's request, we extended the activity into the afternoon
So, we read about kites....

We made more kites...

  We even wrote about our kites...

  We flew our kites...

Our Friends in K2 are very CREATIVE, not only did they make kites this week, but they also made.......


" A gingerbread house with a chimney, windows, snow, a button for the door and a gingerbread man walking into the door after shopping"
Craft was created by Audrey and Nicolette

Wishing you all a SAFE and HAPPY March Break!!

Thursday, 2 March 2017

This past month we celebrated each others' similarities and differences....

 by reading books
 having some wonderful discussions 

and creating some AMAZING art work! 


This board reflects how similar and different we are
yet we can ALL be friends in K2!

The book, 'We Are Different', gave us a GREAT idea to show our similarities and differences.

From the lyrics of Louis Armstrong's song..."And we think to ourselves, What a Wonderful World."