Monday, 28 November 2016

Kindergarten Holiday Concert
In celebration of the up-coming Holiday Season, our Kindergarten Classes will be hosting a Holiday Concert on Friday, December 16th at 1:30 p.m. in the gym.
The children will be performing songs and poems, and light refreshments will be provided at the end of the concert.
Classes will run as usual on the day of – however you are free to take your child home as soon as the concert has ended.  
We are kindly asking everyone that can, to bring a new unwrapped toy to help those in need this holiday season. 

We look forward to seeing you all, for a fun filled celebration on the 16th!

Tuesday, 22 November 2016


Dear Parents,

Our library time will now fall on a Thursday (Day 5) until the first week of December. For the rest of December, library will be on Friday. Please continue to take time to read your child's library book with them and the book for our next library visit.

Happy Reading!

Monday, 21 November 2016


 We went walking and what did we see?

 We drew what we saw....


We wrote about what we saw......
 We graphed what we saw..... 


 The cold weather has arrived.  Many children are coming to school with the proper attire and some are not. Unless the temperature is significantly below zero and we are directed to keep the children in for outdoor learning and lunch, they will not be allowed to stay inside just because they find it too cold. 
Let’s make sure we are all warm as we confront these cold winter months.

Here is a list of the important pieces of clothing that should be worn during these cold winter months: 
ü  a warm, heavy coat
ü  waterproof and weatherproof boots (boots that can stand up to the -20 degree temperature)
ü  warm, waterproof gloves
ü  snow pants
ü  hat
ü  scarf
ü  balaclava
ü  layered sweaters

In your child’s bag, it would be beneficial for your son/daughter to have the following:
ü  an extra pair of warm socks
ü  an extra pair of warm gloves
Let’s do the best we can to keep warm and healthy over the winter

Thanks for your help!

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Report Cards

Dear Parents,

Today only Senior Kindergarten students received a report card. Students in Junior Kindergarten will receive their first formal written report in February. Interviews will take place for ALL Kindergarten students on November 17th and 18th.

We look forward to meeting with you,
Ms. Sharman and Ms. Bennett

Friday, 11 November 2016

Graphing FUN!!

We have been collecting objects and using data to create graphs.

Here are some examples of how we gathered the objects and represented the data.


The children analyzed the data on the graph, using words such as, more, less and the same.

Here is an example of a student's graph
At home, you could have your child gather objects and represent the data in graph form.

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Remembrance Day

On Friday, November 11, the school will be having an assembly. Each student will be given a poppy to wear. We are kindly asking for a small donation of $1 to help our Veterans.

Thank You

Friday, 4 November 2016

Patterns, Patterns Everywhere!!

We have been exploring, recognizing and creating repeating patterns using a variety of materials.