Monday, 30 May 2016

The Warm Weather Has Arrived!!

As the weather gets warmer we will be spending more and more time outside, so please make sure that your child has a hat and plenty of water to drink! There is a filling station at the end of the kindergarten hallway, where the children can refill their water bottles throughout the day.


Friday, 20 May 2016

We're Going On A Class Trip!

On Friday, June 17th, the kindergarten classes will be going on a trip to the Ontario Science Centre. The permission form will be sent home today and we ask that you please fill out the appropriate sections and return the form and money ($10.00) by June 1st.

Have an amazing long weekend!!

Friday, 13 May 2016

Great Day with the Scientist!!

We had a great morning yesterday in K2, with Scientist Susan! We learned that we share the earth with all living things and that the choices we make will protect nature.

The children rotated through centres where they learned about reducing garbage, recycling, how we can care for nature and how we can conserve water.

If your child hasn't told you anything about the scientist's visit, ask them, they learned a lot!!

A special thank you to Scientist Susan and our amazing parent volunteers!

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Exciting News!!

On Thursday, May 12th, we will be having a scientist visit our classroom! Scientist Susan will be joining us for the morning and the children will be taking on the role of "environmental scientists". As "environmental scientists", the students in K2 will be discovering ways in which they can help protect the earth!

We are so excited (that includes Ms. Sharman and Ms. Bennett, too!!)

Thanks in advance to our wonderful parent volunteers who will be joining us Thursday morning.