Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Monday, 22 February 2016

Request for Packaging Materials

Our classes have been learning about three-dimensional figures, such as the cube, cone, cylinder and sphere. We are also learning about how three-dimensional figures can be combined to build structures. In a few days, we will begin building structures by using packaging materials that are three-dimensional figures.

You can help! We would appreciate if you could send empty packaging materials that are three-dimensional figures to class with your child. For example, you could send such materials as cereal boxes, chocolate boxes, shoeboxes, and paper rolls.

Thanks in advance for the materials you are able to provide for our math activity.

Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Thursday February 11th is Winter Activity Day at Clairlea! As the Junior/Intermediate students head out to ski or skate and the Primary students host their own activities here at the school, the Kindergarten classes will be having our very own 'Valenter Activity Day' to celebrate Valentine's Day and Winter. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately to play outside!!! Our activities will include: games, a movie, treats, and fun! If you would like to send treats in for the class, please ensure there is enough for all of the students (29), and they should be nut-free. Also, each child will be making their own 'mailbox' for Valentine's cards - if you would like to send cards with your child, please do not address them - it makes the handing out process very difficult! Thanks! 
Happy Valentine's/Family Day!!
The English Kindergarten Team